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Pet Fire Safety

Pet Fire Safety

If you have a pet, extra consideration is needed when taking precautionary measures for maintaining good fire safety. Accidents can easily happen and no one wants their canine companion, feline friend or reptilian roommate to be the cause, or bear the consequences, of a fire disaster. To help you keep your pets and property as safe as possible, we have compiled some useful fire safety tips for pet owners. Prevention: Don’t leave pets alone with flames Remember to always extinguish any candles when you leave the room, especially when you have curious pets around who could easily knock one over. This…

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Does My Fire Alarm Expire?

Though every house is legally obligated to contain a fire alarm, many people sleep in their beds blissfully unaware that their fire alarm is past its expiration date — leaving their home and their families at a considerably higher fire risk. In fact, fire alarms need to be replaced at least every ten years, starting from the manufacturer date. This article is going to explain the reason for this and how you can check when your fire alarm needs to be replaced. Why Do Fire Alarms Have A Ten-Year Expiration Date? It’s first important to explain that fire alarms have not…

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Key Christmas Fire Hazards to be Aware of This Christmas

Here at Protect & Detect, through the means of our blog, we’ve made it our mission to reduce fire risks in both domestic and commercial situations, offering tips and advice on how to minimise or eliminate hazards by drawing on our extensive experience in the industry. Now Christmas time is upon us, we feel it’s important that we alert our readers to some of the main fire hazards that we might experience in our home. During the month of December, it’s estimated that around 20 people a day lose their life as a result of a domestic fire, something which could…

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Halloween Fire Safety

Screams are expected during Halloween season, but Halloween screams should be the result of innocent fun – and not because of fires that could have easily been avoided. There are many extra fire hazards to be cautious of around Halloween time. This article will be highlighting the things to look out for, and will offer tips on how to stay safe this Halloween season. Flammable costumes Unbeknownst to many, most Halloween costumes are categorised as toys and not clothing. Consequently, these costumes do not necessarily need to adhere to the same fire safety laws as most clothing. This means that many…

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