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Planning a Fire Evacuation Route

Planning a Fire Evacuation Route

As a legal requirement, all business, industrial and commercial environments must have a clear fire procedure and fire evacuation route in place to avoid risk of injury or fatality. A fire emergency evacuation plan (FEEP) is a written document which includes the action that must be taken by all staff in the event of a fire and the arrangements for calling the emergency services. The general fire notice for small premises typically takes the form of a simple fire action sign posted in areas where staff and relevant personnel can read it and make themselves familiar with its instructions. In light…

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Reasons to Keep a Fire Extinguisher in Your Car

Although it may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about car safety, a fire extinguisher could be the difference between life and death. In the UK, although accidental car fires are declining in number, arson car fires are on the rise, but on average 100,000 cars catch fire every year! There are a few reasons a fire extinguisher in your car can be helpful, such as: Cars Can Catch On Fire Very Easily The thing with vehicle fires is that many people never expect them to happen. You may have your car regularly serviced and…

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The Importance Of a Fire Risk Assessment

An assessment for fire risk is a mandatory undertaking that has to be carried out in all places of work, commercial premises, and anywhere the general public have access to. The ‘responsible person’ is legally liable for fire safety, and if you are the owner or landlord, or in some cases the occupier, then this will be your responsibility. The penalties for non-enforcement are very serious, and you could face a fine or be imprisoned if you do not conform. The assessment itself is a very detailed process, and the ‘responsible person’ has to carry it out in the first instance,…

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Do Fire Extinguishers Expire?

Once you have bought a fire extinguisher and ensured that your premises meet fire safety standards, you might forget about regularly checking your extinguisher. Unfortunately, fire extinguishers do eventually expire, meaning you need to keep an eye on them and have a professional check them at regular intervals. Ensuring that your fire extinguishers are in full working order is of the utmost importance, and knowing how long they last is pivotal in this. Generally, fire extinguishers last between 5 and 15 years, according to manufacturers, though this can vary depending on the circumstances. In this month’s article, we’ll be running you…

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How to Use a Foam Fire Extinguisher

Here at Protect & Detect, on our blog, we feel it is our duty to make sure you understand the various applications of the different types of fire extinguishers. Just as important, though, we want you to understand the differences between the types of fires which they were constructed to fight. However, in this article, we will be shining a light on foam fire extinguishers, ensuring that, by the end of this article, you understand how to identify a foam extinguisher, what fires they able to fight and how to properly operate one. How to Identify a Foam Extinguisher Firstly, before…

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Fire Alarm Maintenance Checklist

Regularly checking your fire alarm system can be a lifesaver. A single fault in a single component could cause the entire system to fail. To ensure your household will be sufficiently alerted to any potential fires, read the following guide – created by the team here at Protect & Detect – and go to sleep knowing you’ve kept you and your family safe. What Are The Different Types of Fire Alarm Systems? There are various fire alarm systems nowadays; each deliver the same results but operate in slightly different ways. They can be grouped into the following four categories: Conventional Fire…

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How to Store Flammable Substances Safely

Whatever your work environment, it is likely that you will have at least some flammable materials that need to be stored correctly, be it industrial chemicals or something as simple as cleaning fluids. It’s vital that all flammable substances are stored correctly and safety, and as the employer or building owner within a company it is your responsibility to ensure that this is done. The first thing to consider is if any of the flammable liquids you have can be replaced with non-flammable alternatives, reducing the hazard altogether. Often this will not be the case, so we’ve listed a few of…

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Halloween Fire Safety

Screams are expected during Halloween season, but Halloween screams should be the result of innocent fun – and not because of fires that could have easily been avoided. There are many extra fire hazards to be cautious of around Halloween time. This article will be highlighting the things to look out for, and will offer tips on how to stay safe this Halloween season. Flammable costumes Unbeknownst to many, most Halloween costumes are categorised as toys and not clothing. Consequently, these costumes do not necessarily need to adhere to the same fire safety laws as most clothing. This means that many…

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How Do Smoke Detectors Work?

According to official government statistics, in 2012-2013 there were 22,500 fires recorded in commercial and industrial buildings, such as retail units and industrial manufacturing plants. 65% of deaths which occurred in non-dwelling building fires were caused by no smoke alarms being installed in the property. In this day and age, it is astonishing to believe that many commercial buildings do not have the correct measures in place in the event of a fire, leaving many lives at risk as a result. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to have a fire alarm installed, preferably on every level of…

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Wireless Vs Wired Fire Alarms

When beefing up the security at your home or business premises there are plenty of things to consider, one of which is a new fire alarm system installation. More specifically, though, you need to decide upon exactly what type of fire alarm system will suit your needs – a wired or wireless system. In order to make tackling this question a little easier, this article will highlight the differences between the two types of fire alarm systems and weigh up the pros and cons of both. The Systems Themselves As you would expect, wired fire alarm systems use cabling and wires…

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