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A reported 45% of major fires in businesses are attributed to arson attacks, seriously affecting the daily runnings of any premises.

It’s important to ensure that your building and your staff are prepared for the risk of arson, and keep a vigilant eye out while on site.

We’ve listed some precautionary measures all businesses can take to reduce their risk of becoming a victim of arson.

close up of a fire

Nominate a fire warden

Nominate a member of staff to be responsible for fire safety around the office.

This will include regular inspections that the fire risk assessment guidelines are being adhered to, fire safety equipment is in full working order, and ensuring all staff know where fire evacuation routes are.

On top of this, the fire warden should ensure all staff are trained in arson prevention, and know what to look out for in terms of an arson threat.

Reporting suspicious behaviour should be encouraged; the more eyes looking out for potential arsonists, the less likely a crime will be carried out.

Get a fire risk assessment

A risk assessment from qualified specialists can help you understand where in your premises there are fire hazards, and how to reduce the chance of an arsonist taking an opportunity to commit a crime on your building.

Check and inspect fire equipment

Regular inspections of your fire safety equipment is essential. This includes fire/smoke alarms, ensuring fire extinguishers have not be used and are in their correct place, emergency lighting is functional.

In the case of an arson attack, operational fire detection equipment will notify all staff to evacuate the building safely, and allow authorities to tackle the fire quickly, saving valuables within the office.

Dispose of rubbish responsibly

Dry waste such as packaging, cardboard and plastic can pose a serious risk to businesses at the hands of an arsonist. Ensure that all rubbish is stored in metal bins with closed lids, ideally locked away in their own compartment to ensure no unauthorised person can get to them.

Limit entrances to the building

Restrict the number of entrances to the building to just one if possible, and have staff clock in and out as they pass through the premises.

Keeping a monitor of who has access to the site and how will reduce the chance of unauthorised people gaining access to the building.

Flammables should be stored and locked

Flammables such as cleaning fluids can pose a serious fire hazard to the building if they are not stored correctly, and this is particularly true when dealing with an arson threat. Keeping all flammable containers stored in ventilated locked cabinets, with only authorised persons able to gain access to them.

Our expert team here at Protect & Detect are on hand to provide assistance with your fire risk assessment, and offer training to staff on fire safety.

Protect & Detect is a leading fire safety and security company, servicing Ipswich, Colchester, Cambridge, Bury St. Edmunds, Chelmsford and beyond.

Protect & Detect offers a wide range of fire safety and security services including; fire alarms, fire extinguishers, burglar alarms, intruder alarms, fire sprinkler systems, access control, door entry systems, CCTV, barriers, nurse and warden calls. Contact our friendly team today for a quick quote.


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